Can we make a difference?
Can we do more than the penny jars? They are filling up (Team Black is WAY behind...sabatoged by those who are threatended by our splendor!)
I happened to see Mia Farrow, the actress, on a television program the other night, she had just returned from Darfur. She made the same plea that Nicholas Kristof did on the video we watched in class, and that is for people to contact their legislators and tell them that this is an issue that they want their government to address. In fact, she has a website that you can access here. There are a lot of very good links concerning not only Darfur, but genocide in general. Check it out!
Additionally, I have a challenge for you. How many people can YOU influence to contact their legislators about the need for action to stop the bloddshed in Darfur? If you have an email list, send a note linking them to this blog, they can read what we are doing and then they can contact their Congressperson here, their Senator here, and the White House here. It might be a good idea to let your parents know what you are doing, and get their approval first.
Remember the words of Abraham Lincoln, "The philosophy in the schoolroom in one generation, will be the philosphy of government in the next." If you want a world free of genocide, you have to MAKE a world free of genocide!
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