Thursday, February 08, 2007

Martin and Malcolm

Your Homework is to listen to, and/or view, as many, of the media files linked here and answer the following question in 1-3 paragraphs.

Question: If each of these men, El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) and Martin Luther King Jr. had lived until today, who do you think would ultimately have had the more profound impact on our society? Why?
Use evidence from the media files and your interpretation of the points of view of these two men.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If both Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were still alive today i think that Martin Luther King would have a more profound impact on our society. i think this because in a way Malcolm x did not really try to stop the discrimination against African Americans in America. in his speech Black Nationalism he says that he drops out of the black motion movement. also Malcolm tend to focus more on Islamic and out of the country issues. for example in the same speech he says that over in Africa the African Americans have earned more freedom and respect, he also spends a lot of his time criticizing America like when he says you and i are supposed to live in a country of god education...ect ...and is supposed to be one of the top countries. while Malcolm is saying all this martin Luther is making historic speeches like the "i have a dream' speech and the " I’ve been to the mountain top" speech. martin also focused more on what was happening here in America rather that in Africa and Islam. martin Luther says that he believes that they still will over come in his Nobel peace prize speech and this to me means that someday African Americans will be equal to white people. another reason that I think martin Luther would have had a more profound impact on our society is because look at all he already did for the African Americans and if he had not died when he did imagine how much more he could of done. that is why I think that martin Luther king jr. would have ha a amore profound impact on our society.

-nicole velardi

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a world this would be with these men. If they were still alive some major changes might have occurred. Martin Luther King Jr. might have run for president. He would of continued to make speeches about how we could make a non-violent racist-free world. Malcolm X is a different story, in my opinion if he were still alive I think the power would have gone straight to his head and he would have become a dictator. Maybe Malcolm X would have become a dictator and Martin Luther King Jr. might have run for president, and there would be big trouble. One reason supporting my idea is that Dr.King believes in non-violence while Malcolm X believed in violence if necessary. Malcolm did become Muslim to get away form violence, drugs, and burglary.

Eventually maybe Malcolm X would have promoted violence leading to more accidents. Then of course Dr.King would have something to say and then more arguments would occur. Our society would start to crumble and maybe it would be like the 1940's where African-Americans and White People could not get along. These famous men both did their fair share and they gave courage to every black person out there. I think it was good that Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X did their part, but now it’s our turn to rid our society of racism forever.

10:08 AM  

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