What's the connection?

This is a picture of Mr. Norton falling asleep reading a book in 1992, more than 14 years ago. However, there is a connection with this image that can be made to this very day!
For homework, what connection is Mr. Norton trying to get at? Hint: It has to do with tonight's State of the Union Address and/or the Democratic Response to the President's speech. good luck! You have until Friday to respond. Your responses should be posted here, but I will not publish them until Friday!
I can connect the book you fell asleep reading in 1992 with tonights State of the Union. The author of Something To Die For is James Webb. He is currently the Senator of Virginia. After of the State of the Union, he provided the democratic response. Senator Webb was a marine in Vietnam,and was also the Secretary of the Navy. He has written 6 bestselling novels.
Natalie wants to add this
James Webb, the author of the book you are reading, is now senator from Virginia, gave the democratic response and has a son in Iraq
Natalie Asarisi
The connection between the Stat of the Union and your picture is the book something to di for. This bood has a connection to the state of the union because the man who wrote it, James Webb, gave the democraic responce. His views bassically said he did not think that going into iraq was not a great idea or "The president took us into this war recklessly". Webb was a bigshot Vietnam Vet during the Raegan Aminastration. Also i connected to the picture in the way that u looked really bored in the same way i looked when i watched the state of the union.
The connection between the Stat of the Union and your picture is the book something to di for. This bood has a connection to the state of the union because the man who wrote it, James Webb, gave the democraic responce. His views bassically said he did not think that going into iraq was not a great idea or "The president took us into this war recklessly". Webb was a bigshot Vietnam Vet during the Raegan Aminastration. Also i connected to the picture in the way that u looked really bored in the same way i looked when i watched the state of the union.
The author of the book that Mr. Norton is reading is James Webb who was part of the Democratic response the other night. He was also the democrat whose election into the House of Representatives changed the majority from Republican to Democrat.
Well in the picture the book that Mr. Norton is reading is by a guy named James Webb. James Webb is a war veteran and also happens to be a U.S. senator. And on Tuesday night a democratic senator was to give the democratic response to the state of the union address. This senator just happened to be James Webb! Wow!!
I think the connection you want us to make in this picture is the book that you were reading. I think what you wanted us to focus most on in this picture was the author of that book James Webb, because James Webb wants to be relected for Senator(I think), and he was probably at the State of the Union Address and/or Democratic Response. He was probably one of the important speakers that you want us to learn more about or focus on.
Ori Statlender
You said that it had to do with the Democratic response or the State of Union Address. So i think that the connection you are trying to make is with the War in Iraq that Bush talked about. Many people in the US consider this Bush's private war, including Democrats, except for Lieberman. I looked and saw that you were reading "Something to Die For" by James Webb and it talks about a war that is not supported by the people, but the idea of a colonel on his own.
I can connect this picture of Mr. Norton to the the State of the Union because the author of the book that Mr. Norton is reading also gave the democratic response. He said that the war in Iraq was un-needed and too quick to have a good judgement by him and the people around him.
The connection between the two thing is that the author of the book, Something to Die For, was the same person who gave the Democratic response. He said the War in Iraq wasn't something to die for.
The book Something To Die For and th State of the Union adress have a connection. This connection is that the man who wrote it James Webb gave the democratic response. I also think that he thinks that the war in Iraq is not something to die for.
The connection between you and the book is that thoes two things have a good conection. They have a good connection because James Webb was the guy who wrote the book and who gave the democratic responce because he thought that the war in Iraq was not to die for. George Bush took the U.S. in this war to fight on Terrism. My opinon is that there is nothing to win down in Iraq because you arnt going to stop terrism or change there mind's to stop it.
I can conpare the picture of Mr. Norton and the Sate of the Union because the author of the book Mr. Norton is James webb and he gave the domocratic response to the state of the union. He pretty much said that President Bush rushed his descision to go into iraq.
James Webb the author of the book you are reading in the picture gave a democratic response saying that he thought it was stupid to send more troops into Iraq.
He also said that The war should not keep going becuase more and more americans are going to die.
The connection between the book and your picture are two good things. James Webb, the man who wrote the book and gave the democratic responce. He didnt think that the war in Iraq was something to die for. In my opinion I think that George Bush took us into Iraq to change Terrism. But I think that there is nothing to win down there in Iraq. you arnt gonna change there minds, so there really is no point.
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