Perhaps it is appropriate that on this day, when we see the first American of African ancestry sworn in as President of the United States, that we take the opportunity to look at the Second Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln. As Lincoln wrote the nation was nearing the end of a horrible civil war, and the nation needed healing, as some argue it does today. Your assignment is to read Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address below, and answer the question that follows. DUE THURSDAY!!!
Fellow Countrymen:
At this second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a statement somewhat in detail of a course to be pursued seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured.
On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war—seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.
One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. 'Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh.' If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether'.
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.
Answer the following question, as a blog response, in open-ended format.
What does each man (Lincoln and Obama) ask of the average american in the solving of the nation's problems? DUE THURSDAY!!!
Obama and Lincoln both ask the modern man to be peaceful by stopping wars and to not judge others by the color of their skin. In modern times, the is the Iraq War and in earlier times, there was the Revolutionary War. Obama and Lincoln both are and were trying to stop these horrible wars and make peace in the US and in the world. Obama is trying to stop rascism throughout different races like African-American and white. During the Revolutionary war, Lincoln tried to do the same thing except with stopping white people from enslaving black people, which is a rascist act. Both inaugural speeches in many ways and they requested modern people to do certain things.
****I had to redo this twice because it didn't save my other paragraphs!
They both come in at a time of crisis. What they both ask for, is understanding. They both want us (the public) to realise that it will take both time and effort to solve the problems they face(d)
In both President Obama's and President Lincoln's inaugural speeches, they ask of the average American certain qualities that should be exemplified in order to solve the nation's problems. In President Obama's inaugural speech, he asks the average American to set aside petty grievances and work to reaffirm the spirt of America. In the text of the speech, Obama states that every American is to carry on and out the dream of America as a nation: to honor the noble promise that all will work as equals to pursue happiness, and that this spirit must endure in the heart of every person in America. Similarly, during President Lincoln's inaugural speech, he asked the people of a divided America to create lasting peace and to mend the nation's wounds by bearing no ill will or hatred towards others, caring for the fallen, and doing right in the spirit of God's will. I believe both men were very influential and eloquent speakers with the power to motivate and empower even the weak-minded, the half-hearted, and the stone-hearted among their nation's people.
Each man, Lincoln and Obama, asked the average American different favors to help solve the nation's problems. Firstly, Lincoln wanted to keep peace amongst ourselves and other nations. He says,
"malice toward none, with charity for all", meaning we should treat no one harshly and care for and love everyone. Lincoln wanted to finish the work we were in and bind up our nation’s wounds; so our country could be peaceful. Obama, in comparison, asks "the people" to endure the icy currents and the storms that may come. He wants our children's children to look back on us and remember how we kept our eyes on our goal and never turned our backs or faltered. Lincoln already succeeded in bringing different religions and nationalities together and Obama is going to continue on that road to freedom and peace for all.
-Caitlin Foster
Each man, Lincoln and Obama, asked the average American different favors to help solve the nation's problems. Firstly, Lincoln wanted to keep peace amongst ourselves and other nations. He says,
"malice toward none, with charity for all", meaning we should treat no one harshly and care for and love everyone. Lincoln wanted to finish the work we were in and bind up our nation’s wounds; so our country could be peaceful. Obama, in comparison, asks "the people" to endure the icy currents and the storms that may come. He wants our children's children to look back on us and remember how we kept our eyes on our goal and never turned our backs or faltered. Lincoln already succeeded in bringing different religions and nationalities together and Obama is going to continue on that road to freedom and peace for all.
Each man, Lincoln and Obama, asked the average American different favors to help solve the nation's problems. Firstly, Lincoln wanted to keep peace amongst ourselves and other nations. He says,
"malice toward none, with charity for all", meaning we should treat no one harshly and care for and love everyone. Lincoln wanted to finish the work we were in and bind up our nation’s wounds; so our country could be peaceful. Obama, in comparison, asks "the people" to endure the icy currents and the storms that may come. He wants our children's children to look back on us and remember how we kept our eyes on our goal and never turned our backs or faltered. Lincoln already succeeded in bringing different religions and nationalities together and Obama is going to continue on that road to freedom and peace for all.
why did you choose the second speech and not the first one?
For the HW should i just list the similar decisions or just state what they said or both?
During their respective Inaugural Addresses’ Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama both ask the average American to help solve America’s problems. President Obama asks of his people to help him rebuild America from natural disasters to the crash of the economy. He said, “Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.” By that he meant that we have to embody the spirit of service and find something greater than themselves; he ask us to have faith and determination in America and have kindness to help a neighbor, and also the courage to save a person’s life. Abraham Lincoln asked of his people to help him rebuild a nation torn by war. He said, “let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds,” by this he is asking for people to help care for each other to create a lasting peace. Inaugural addresses are very interesting pieces of the American history.
I think that Lincoln called upon the people to.....while Obama askjed that people do this that and the other thing.
In Lionopclns address he sauid thujyis and this,Obama said "this" and "that?"
Obama wants Americans to have patience in these difficult times.
Lincoln wanted Americans to have charity and work towards peace.
Lincoln wants Americans to take care of the soldiers.Obama wants everyone to be treated equally and everyone to help pitch in.this concludes my little comment
Both men, Lincoln and Obamam asked average Americans in the solving of the nation's problems in both of there inaugual address.
Lincoln said this on the second inaugural address,'let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.', as for Obama's inaugual address from yesterday, he said closely the samething, he said we should tackle our problem, or more precisely, our nation's problem. Lincoln said to bind up the(our) nation's wounds, to tackle our nations problems, both men said t and asked the
Obama and lincon both ask for the understanding and the road ahead for peace and under standing. Obama and lincon gave great speeches. thank you
Licoln and Obama have much of the same way of thinking. They both wanted peace and harmony for the U.S. Obama wanted people of the the u.s to work together to make the united states back to the top of the economy.Licoln wanted to stop the spread of slavery so they put a law, making it inpoosible to move with slaves. OBama wanted everyone to be trated equal because of there skin color, obama really admired licoln he wanted to be like licoln
Henry Guo.
(Homework Cont.)
Both men wants to make our nation a better place, but they're main goal is to help us and the nation which is the USA. Lincoln already helped us and our nation with his great knowleage, but Obama has not yet proved himself.
Obama has a great plan for US and for the people and for himself, I think he will be a really good president.
Both of the presidential inauguration speeches of Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln ask the citizens of the United States to forget about how wealthy they are, or whether or not they have the same views, to deplete a crisis. The difference, however, is that Obama is referring to our current economic predicament, while Lincoln is speaking of the seceded states of the former Confederacy from United States. While we know what happened to the Confederate diffusion, we can only wait, see, and hope that our new president’s call is answered. Like Lincoln, he has come into office in hard times, however it is clearly impossible for one man to abolish this debt. President Obama needs the American people to join together to battle this deficit with him. We need to answer our leader’s call.
Obama and Lincoln both ask average Americans for their help. Obama and Lincoln asked their countries for peace and for the betterment of the nation. Obama asked for peace with all nations, and for help in saving our failing economy, while Lincoln asked for help in rebuilding the nation after the Civil War and for better, more peaceful relations with other countries; both men stressed that they needed unity within the country and help from its citizens to fulfill these tasks. Both men also talked about a more delicate subject, race. While Obama had less racial inequality to fight against than Lincoln had, he stated that electing a black president is just the beginning for colored people, while Lincoln begged the people to see past the color of other people’s skin, and to end any personal war based on something as insignificant as color. Being the president of the United States must require a lot of mettle; since our nation is not one with a unanimous voice, standing up and presenting your ideas for possible ridicule does not seem easy!
They were both similar in many ways.
President Lincoln asked for everybody to end slavery and be kind to one another and to help each other because the war was nearly over. He sent out a message of forgiveness and to help rebuild the nation as a whole.
These quotes from Lincoln's speech were ideals found in both.
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right"
" Let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds"
"achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations."
President Obama sent out a message of fixing the mess the country and planet is in, like getting out of Iraq,
fighting extremists /terrorists, stopping climate change/global warming, helping our economy, ect.
His speech involved sending out a message that the US will be strong again, and for everybody to do their part and help rebuild the nation. President Obama also sent out a message of friendship to 3rd world countries.
-Alan P
Lincoln and Obama both ask something of the average American in order to solve the nations problems. As we can see from Lincoln’s Inaugural Address, he asked the American citizens to work together to solve the country’s problems. According to him, we need to work hard and care for others that are less fortunate than us, and the result will be a long and lasting peace among ourselves and with all other nations. In this way, Obama’s Inaugural Address follows similar lines. Because mistakes were made in the past by former administration, we all need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get ready to solve our nation’s problems. This goes to prove that should all of Amreica’s citizens cooperate with each other and work hard to do what’s right, the result will be peace and a beautiful nation.
Lincoln and Obama both ask something of the average American in order to solve the nations problems. As we can see from Lincoln’s Inaugural Address, he asked the American citizens to work together to solve the country’s problems. According to him, we need to work hard and care for others that are less fortunate than us, and the result will be a long and lasting peace among ourselves and with all other nations. In this way, Obama’s Inaugural Address follows similar lines. Because mistakes were made in the past by former administration, we all need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get ready to solve our nation’s problems. This goes to prove that should all of Amreica’s citizens cooperate with each other and work hard to do what’s right, the result will be peace and a beautiful nation.
Lincoln and Obama are asking the average American to do their part in order to fix and help their country. The reason Obama asked for help was our country is at war while during Lincoln’s speech we had just come out of war. Obama says due to war and other issues our economy is badly weakened, our health care to costly, and our schools fail too many. Lincoln had the issue of just coming out of war we had one- eighth of the population as slaves and not everyone was pleased he had won the war. Both men make the point that at this time our country is suffering and that we need to rebuild it. I personally cannot believe how far our country has come since Lincoln’s time when colored were "dirt on the bottom of your shoe," today one of them holds the highest office in the United States of America.
Tori Laugeni
Period 1
Obama and Lincoln ask the average americans in solving their nations problems by Lincoln saying that the world becomes of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come. And Obama just wants peace and he will hear any of the american nation problems. This is what I think about them.
Abraham Lincoln, and Barack Obama both stated very important issues in their address'. Abraham Lincoln said, "let us strive to finish the work we are in and bind up the nations wounds". Obama also said something with familiar meaning, he said, "we will continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal, more free, more caring, and more prosperous America". Both of these quotes are more simply saying we should continue to de better for our country and fix the problemns that have arose. They also say we should continue finish rebuilding our country to make a better nation. The speeches that many presidents make in their inagural address are very similar and tell us what they are going to strive for when running our country.
When making his inaugural speech Abraham Lincoln asked the average American person to unite as one nation, and work together to accomplish common goals and repair the nation. President Obama asked for time. He knows that the obstacles we need to overcome will take time and will not just happen over night. He also knows that this country needs change and that will take time to complete what needs to be done. The common thread is they both want peace for our country and between our nation and the rest of the world.
Both Obama and Lincoln state that average people need to do many things to solve the nation’s problems. Obama asks a few things of us Americans; for example Obama he insists that we need to get down to business, he says, “We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish things". He also says that we must try to start again by He does this by stating, "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America". Lincoln conveyed the fact that we need to make peace by saying, "...and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations". He also mentions that we need to work slowly to fix up our country, "... let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle...” Overall I think that Lincoln was a great president and Obama will became one.
Dana Leyden
I think that in Lincoln speech he called the average American to help come together to end slavery because he didn't want to go to war with the south, he just didn't wanted to have slavery in the newly found states. as he said "Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish And the war came". I think he is trying to say that no one really wanted the war, it just came. In Obama's speech he asks the average American to come to together so they can end the economic crisis. also both Obama and Lincoln said that with the average Americans help they can have a bright future.
Each man (Lincoln and Obama) ask a couple of things of the average americans in the solving of the nations problems. Lincoln asks the average american people to do mainly one large thing. Lincoln asks them to do *all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations. Obama asks the average american people to do many things with him that they will do together. One of the many things he said was, "We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuil our cars and run our factories." I think that both speeches made by Lincoln and Obama were amazing, and I am sure they will (or already have) go down in history.
-Chloe Eitzer, Period 1
The two things Obama and Lincoln said in common was that they want to stop war and that color dosn't matter,and that we should be united. Lincoln said that the war should stop(Civil War). Obama also wants to put an end to the war in Afghanastan. Another thing is that they both said color dosnt matter. Licoln said that we should all be egual, more importantly that slavery should stop,but Obama said that it dosnt matter what color you are, and we should all be one Unit. Overall, thw world has changed a lot over the years.
The two things Obama and Lincoln said in common was that they want to stop war and that color dosn't matter,and that we should be united. Lincoln said that the war should stop(Civil War). Obama also wants to put an end to the war in Afghanastan. Another thing is that they both said color dosnt matter. Licoln said that we should all be egual, more importantly that slavery should stop,but Obama said that it dosnt matter what color you are, and we should all be one Unit. Overall, thw world has changed a lot over the years.
I think Lincon asks the people to help America with the state its in. It says to ask help heal its nations wounds which sounds like he wants the people to help America. Obama asked sort of the same thing, America is going into a depression and he says he needs our help and him to pull it out. Time magizene says that he needs $100,000,000,000- a TRILLION dollars to help pull America out of the grief its in. Where do you think he is going to get all that money? Us he needs us to pull America back on its feet just like Lincon needed us to help America through the war and the economy. Except one thing, he also was against slavery and that didn't stop till the 1900's, I hope Obama can help us get out of our debt sooner.
And for thoose who Question the amount of a TRILLION dollars...
Picture this, a stack of $100 dollar bills worth a trillion dollars would rise 789 miles...
789 Miles = 144 Mount Everests end over end
Whether it was current day or 144 years ago, Obama and Lincoln had many similarities and differences in each of their unique Inauguration speeches. For instance, one similarity that Obama and Lincoln both had while they made their speeches was that they were both in the time periods where the U.S.A had been in a bad position. Lincoln just got elected before the Civil War, not knowing what horrible things were to come, and Obama has been trying to deal with many issues such as Bush’s mess, the wars, and even global warming. Both presidents have dealt with( in Barack Obama’s case are going to deal with) great issues and in their speeches many of the things that they say to the people of America are similar. One quote that was in Barack Obama’s speech was, “ All this we can do, all this we will do.” When he said this he was talking about all the change that he will bring to America like making sure that you can afford health care, and make sure less kids fail out of school, and that we will find ways to use and save energy, and it really touched me. In Abraham Lincoln’s speech, in a very different era, he states, “ With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as G-d gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.” This too touched me, and made me realize just how similar these speeches are. Yet they have totally different meanings and two different people are righting them, I feel that throughout the years we have been saying the same things— In the words of Barack, change will come and someday, “ All hatreds shall pass, ushering a new era of peace.”
Obama and Lincoln both ask us to be kind to everyone we can and to help rebuild America. Obama states we should be kind when he says, “…we are willing to extend a hand…” Lincoln states this when he says “With malice toward none; with charity for all.” Barack Obama says we should try and rebuild America when he states, “All challenges will be met.” And when he says, “Let’s pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin to rebuild America.” Lincoln states this when he says, “Let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds.” People from two different time periods and different backgrounds can want the very same things for their country.
Lincoln called upon people to basicly keep peace, not only with ourselves, but also with all nations. Obama calls upon us to persevere. In Lincoln's speech, he talks about how being kind to others is important. He also talks about the civil war, and how nobody expected the war to go as it did far, or last as long as it did.Obama says in his speach that he wants us to keep working toward our goal, march toward the future, and keep our American promise. It's a promise that we all have the freedom to do what we want with our lives, but that we have to treat others with dignity and respect. Both President Lincoln, and President Obama, just want peace in America.
Both Obama and Lincion ask of the people in there address to stop judging people for the race of there skins and trying stop war and making peace with one another. In Lincions address he talks about slaver and the Civil War. He said that african american shouldnt be in slavery and Obama says its doesnt mater what your race is and were you come from we are all equal. Lincion talked about the Civil War between the north and the south and how he wants to end it. Obama was talking about the war Afghanastain and how he wants to bring our troops home. The most important thing that Lincion and Obama said in there address is that they want a change in our nation and a change in the way people treat one another.
Both Lincoln and Obama ask their fellow countrymen to help in a time of need. When Lincoln says "let us strive on to finish the work we are in," he means that we must work hard to finish this country, and get rid of its flaws. He wants us to fix the problems of this country. He says for us "to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan," and by that he is referring to soldiers who keep America's fight to survive lasting, and we must aid anyone he has left behind when he is away, even if he is gone forever. Finally he ends by saying how this country will only be fixed when peace dominates the world, between fellow Americans, and between the United States itself and foreign powers.
-Rachel Katzman-Period 7
I think that Lincoln asked the people to be good citizens and keep the peace while Obama asked of change and the help of rebuilding this country. First off, Lincoln wanted people to be good because in his speech he said “malice toward none” which means be kind to all and do not hate and he also said “charity for all” which means to be a giving person and help out those in need. Also, he said “firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right” which means do right by God and be a good person. Secondly, Obama wanted change from the people because in his speech he said, “America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this;” he was inspiring the people that America has the potential to be the country it once was with change. Also, he said, “That's the promise of America, the idea that we are responsible for ourselves, but that we also rise or fall as one nation, the fundamental belief that I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper.” He was encouraging the people to change and not only be responsible for themselves, but for their nation as well. Both speeches were excellent speeches made by two inspirational presidents that have gone down in history.
-by Samantha MacAvoy
Lincoln and Obama asked the average American to do something to solve the nations problem.Licoln asked each American to not judge people for what the color of there skin was. He wanted the American's to see what the right thing to do, to give equilty to all people. Obama has asked that each American to not be greedy. Obama said that we should try to help a friend keep his job instead of being greedy and letting them lose their job.These two presidents have asked the simple requests and can be fallowed through.
Hey Norton,
I think that Abraham Lincoln and Obama's speeches were really moving. Lincoln calls aupon the American people to strive and finish the work that we are in which means the war. Also he states that we need to bind the nations wounds and to care for him who shall have borne the battle. Which basically means that we need to become together as one once again and care for those who have been in battle.And that we need to do all which may achieve a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations. While Obama stated that We need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin again the work of re building America. So they both stated that we need to fix America. America needs to be reunited and "refurbished if we are to have peaceful live once more.
By: Remi Farrell
Both Lincon and Obama have asked the people of the United States to help sole the nation's problems. Lincon said," Let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations." He was trying to ask that every man should strive to help heal Americas wounds,to heal the wounds of the solider and his family, so that we may achive peace with ourselves and other nations. Obama said,"Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America." Obama was asking us to get up from the problems that are present in America and start to repare the damages that are present in our society. Each president had there own meaning, but each speech called opon America's people.
Obama and Lincoln both say that we should reunite America, and we should achieve peace with all other nations. Also, Lincoln says in his speech that "with malice to none; with charity for all; and with firmness in the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in." In addition, he also says that "we should strive to finish the work we started, and that we should patch-up the nations wounds." On the other hand, Obama said that "we should help out other nations in need, that we should keep passing on the noble idea from generation to generation, so that the God-given promise that all are equal and all are free can be followed for years to come." Furthermore, he says that "everyone deserves a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness." Overall, both Obama and Lincoln had very similar thoughts and ideas to make the world better.
I think that Obama touched on the race issue as much as Loncon did. I believe that this will make Obama a better president because racism will never be the answer.
Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama both explained how we should each help solve the national crisis by a couple of reasons. Barack Obama explained this by saying we should work together. First, we should work together no matter what the color of our skin is; we should work together even if we are different religions from each other. Abraham Lincoln thought that the people should also work together. First of all because if we worked together there would be no war and the problem with slavery would be solved. Finally, he did this because he did not want to have so many lose their lives in a war for something like slavery. In all, Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln are simular due to their beliefs of what can help us prosper.
Both Lincoln and Obama ask the average American citizen to contribute many things in the solving of the nation's problems. Obama asked American to help re-build the country because we clearly need change. He says that we need to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and begin to rebuild our country. Obama also states that the time has come to set aside childish things, and that
although many of the challenges we face are real, they are serious. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time, but they will be met. Lincoln asks his citizens to hope for the future, and he encourages them all trust him and to strive on to finish the work they are in. Although Lincoln's and Obama's inaugural addresses were made nearly 200 years apart, they are very similar in the sense that they acknowledge the fact that they are willing to extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist, and accept a change.
I think that Lincoln called upon the people to be malice towards none, charity for all and firmness in the right, while Obama asked that people to be kind to people when they need help and the levees break. In lincolns address he said that god gives us the power to see right from wrong and to always do the right not the wrong. Obama said that people need to have the courage to do what needs to be done and whats right. All in all both these presidents wanted to get the same message across to do what is right and in tough times like now and during the civil war people need to act and the citizens of the united states ultimately detemine the outcome of the situation.
-Zac Campbell
Obama and Lincoln Open-Ended Question
David Sampoli 1-21-09
Both President Obama and President Lincoln asked the average Americans to help solve the nation’s problems. Obama asked America to work hard in his inaugural address. In his speech, Obama said “ Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin again the work of remaking America,” he also said “ We must transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demand of a new age.” Instead, Lincoln told America that they must be forgiving to the South that was losing the Civil War saying, “With malice toward none” and “With charity toward all.” One other phrase that supports this is when Lincoln said, “ Let us strive to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds.” Both Obama and Lincoln attempted to make America a better place to live with their speeches.
Both Obama and Lincoln ask the American people to assist them with the problems of both current and past America. They both ask the people to work hard to resolve these problems. In Lincoln's, it says "let us strive on to finish the work we are in", while in Obama's, it states that hard work is a value upon which our success depends on. Each president states that kindness and generosity is also key. Lincoln's inaugural address says, to care for him which borne battle, and for his widow, and for his orphan, while Obama reflects this by stating that the selflessness of workers who would cut their ours rather than see their friend lose their job, and to take in a stranger when the levees break sees us through the darkest hours. Many presidents ask of the people to do their duties.
What does each man (Lincoln and Obama) ask of the average american in the solving of the nation's problems?
Both Lincoln and Obama ask many things of the average citizen in the solving of the nations problems. For instance Lincoln wanted his citizens to believe and support him. For instance,With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered.
But let us judge not, that we be not judged.On the other hand,Obama said that all challanges, no matter how big or small will be met and how all people are equal and they have the right to pursue happiness.
Although these speeches were different, they had manby of teh same ideas and belief because they wanted to make a change in America.
I think that Lincoln called upon people to create peace. He wanted the war and the slaves and the suffering to end. He wanted people to pray and to hope. While Obama wants people to save the ozone and our planet. They both ask americans to pray, to hope, and to try and bring peace to our nation.
Open-Ended question
President Barack Obama and ex President Abraham Lincoln both ask the average American help in solving the nation’s problems. I think that Obama called upon the people to be good Americans and to trust him on fixing these problems. He often said “these changes will take lots of time, it won’t come overnight”. By saying this he’s trying to gain our trust, as did Abraham Lincoln on some of the things he said. Ex President Abraham Lincoln asked the American people to stop the slavery and realize how bad it is. He also asked many Americans to be in peace with each other and the North and South side to support him. President Obama and ex President Lincoln will be/ were previously great presidents.
By, Andre L.
After reading Lincoln’s second Inaugural address, I think he asked the nation to be more accepting and less judgmental. He also asked the people to assist him as a nation so end the era of civil war that had just passed. However, he also states that he believes that it is god’s will to persist this bigotry until “every drop of blood drawn with the lash is paid by another with the sword.” In other words, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. He said this because civil war is probably the most embarrassing thing for a nation to endure in the eyes of another nation, thus it shall end. It must be mortifying to be in power of a country that has just split up to fight over itself.
Not only was Lincoln known for his eloquent speeches, but Obama has definitely made incredible history from his announcement of his running for President of the U.S.A, to just yesterday when he was sworn into the office as 44th president, and first African American one. In his Inaugural Address, he asked the nation to get ready to start a new journey of mending what has been broken, and ‘strap on their seatbelts’ so to speak, to change. Similar to Mr. Lincoln, Obama also asked his “fellow Americans” to stop all hatred and bigotry and become a friend of every woman, child and man in every nation. He also asked for genuine cooperation between nations and former foes, as well as doing their duties, giving all to a difficult task.
Both Lincoln and Obama clearly had a mission: to mend America from its previous tragedies and flaws. Such an ambition was stated flat out in their speeches. For instance, Lincoln stated “let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.” Barack Obama asked our nation for nearly the exact same thing. “Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off,” he said, “and begin again the work of remaking America.” They both wanted everyone to forget what was behind them and begin an era of change for the better. Secondly, Like Lincoln, Obama also stated that everyone should “ know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman, and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and that we are ready to lead once more.” Both presidents showed care for everyone, making sure not to leave anyone behind.
Clearly, Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama both delivered outstanding Inaugural Addresses, stating their missions for change. Yet, they notified the nation that it would need some cooperation, so everyone stayed on task. So, as we begin the journey of a new four (hopefully eight) years of Barack Obama, may we see the change he is promising, though it will take work on behalf of every U.S. citizen.
Both President Lincoln and Obama tell citizens of the United States that they need to take action to help the country. President Lincoln tells the country that they must strive on, and finish what they have started. When he says this he means that the country not only needs him, but the country needs all of the citizens as well to help rebuild the country after the civil war that tore them apart. President Obama says that it is the kindness to take in a stranger when the levees break. When he says this he means that in general you should help a fellow citizen in need when he or she needs help. If we help each other like this then our country will strive and our economy will bounce back up. I feel that both President Lincoln and Obama made very effective speeches that will hopefully change the way we live in the United States as a people.
I think that Lincoln called upon the people to work together to rebuild the nation, while Obama asked that people return to the old truths. He wishes for us to work based on hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism. In Lincoln's adress, he said, "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations."
On the other hand, Obama said, "Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends — hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism — these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility — a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task."
Lincoln and Obama both ask the average American to do things to help solve the nation's problems. Obama would like the people of the United States to simply trust his choices on fixing these problems. He has assured everyone that it will indeed take time for the problems to be fixed but it will eventually happen. When he tells people this, he is letting people trust him that he will follow through with what he says. This is similar to what Abraham Lincoln tried very hard to do. He tried to get the message out to people about how bad slavery really was and tried to encourage others to help try to stop it and to make some sort of peace and understanding between the North and South. Even though these two presidents have lived many many years apart, they share common ideas.
i believe that obama is saying that are country has a lot of wounds that need to be fixed. We have to help the economy and the housing market. We have to be nice to each other and help each other in our time of need. He wants a peaceful country.
I think that Lincoln asked Americans to help the wounded and their families. They were supposed to make peace amongst themselves and amongst all nations. What Obama said was that Americans (meaning we) need to pick ourselves up and start the remaking of America. In other words, we need to rebuild our country, help ourselves by sacrificing for others, and work hard to help others make peace in this world.
What each man asks of the average american in solving the nations problems was, for Lincoln, that we need to re-establish the ties with other people that were severed in the civil war, and to help the wounded, both physically and emotionally, heal. Obama says that while our up-coming duties may be hard, they must not be gudgedly accepted, but rather siezed gladly, all to help us, our nation, and the world.
Obama wanted patience and understanding between all Americans and nations.
LIncoln wanted peace.
I think that Lincoln called upon the people to help him in war and defend the nation from geting destroyed by the confederates while obama asked for suport in war and asked for help on rebuilding the nations economy.
I think that each man asks something different from the country to solve the nation’s problems. I think that Obama is talking a lot about changing things and doing things anew while Lincoln is telling the nation that little will change in his second term. So Lincoln says “Little new could be presented” meaning that he thinks what he is doing is right and why change what is right. While on the other hand Obama wants to change everything that he thinks went wrong with the Bush administration. However, I feel like both men are working for the good of everyone instead of only working for the good of themselves and rich people. In addition I feel like Lincoln told people what to do, while Obama asked. Overall, I think that Obama did a fine job on his speech and so did Lincoln.
President Lincoln and President Obama both gave excellent Inaugural speeches, and they both asked the average American's to aid them in solving the nation's problems.
I think Lincoln called upon the people to unite together and be strong even during the harsh consequences war brought. Obama asked the people to change their fear into hope to solve the economic and military crises.
In the Lincoln address, he reminded the people not to judge the enemy, or they too would be judged. He also said, "With malice toward none; with charity for all, with firmness in the right..."
Obama said that this generation now faces the new era of responsibily. He wanted each individual to reach their desired potential and pursuit of happiness and not be discriminated because of their race, background, and job."All this we can do, all this we will do."
Both Lincoln and Obama ask the same of the average American in solving the nation’s problems. First off, both of these presidents ask of the American people to respect one another. Obama says, “It is the kindness to take in a stranger when the leeves brake,” and Lincoln says, “but let us judge not, that we be not judged.” In simpler terms, this means to treat others the way you’d want to be treated. Both presidents ask us to help persevere like when Lincoln says, “let us strive on to finish the work we are in.” Obama states that, “we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again.”
These two presidents have asked, in their Inaugural Address, us to help them create a new start for our country.
What do I think Obama and Lincoln ask the average American in solving the nations problens? I think they don't ask much. I think they ask Americans to treat others with respect. I also think they ask Americans to be generous and kind toward others. They want everyone to get along and not fight over things like skin color or heritage. Obama said that he woul be willing to lend a hand to those in need if they were to unclench their fist. Lincoln had to fight for slaves freedom when half of America was against him. Loncoln and Obama are two great men who have the same idea, and that is to make America and the world, a better place.
Jake Keylock
What do Lincoln and Obama ask the average American in solving the nation's problems? They don't ask muck but what they ask is important. I think they ask Americans to respect each other. I also think they ask people to be generous and caring towards one another. They want people to get along and not fight over things like skin color or heritage. Obama said that he would be willing to lend a hand to those who need it if they are willing to unclench their fists. Lincoln had to fight for the freedom of the slaves even though half of America was againt him. Lincoln and Obama are two great men who have the same idea, to make America and the world a better place.
Jake Keylock
Lincoln and Obama ask alot of the average american to solve our nation's problems. Obama said," For every way we look there is work to be done". Also that we intend to move forward, Obama is going to help us rebuild this country after the economic crash. Lincoln stated ," Let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds. Lincoln also rebuilt the country after the Civil War. Therefore, Lincoln and Obama ask alot because they both have to literally rebuild the war and economic issues.
Barrack Obama and Abraham Lincoln ask a lot of the average American. Abraham Licoln asked the people to work together in order solve the nation's problems. He everyone to not wish anyone any harm, help out people who are less fornunate as other people, and to stick up for what is right. Barrack Obama wants people to do similar acts as Lincoln. Obama wants people to be kind to friends and strangers, and to think of others before themselves. Both presidents were faced with challenges and I think Obama will be like Lincoln and be a great president.
Mike concato
I think that licon asked the people to not judge any one else, and to do whats moraly right. While obama had a semi same opion. They both want to end war and to change america for the better. In lincons adres he said that we must not judge any man and obama said that we need to rebuild america. They both have basicly the same ideas and thats a good thing
In both Lincoln and Obama’s inauguration speeches they asked the average American to do many things towards helping solve the nation’s problems. They both asked for and trusted the people to be good citizens, kind, and caring. For example, Obama said that, “those values upon which our success depends – hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism,” this shows that Obama is trusting us to do all those things, which in the end will lead to us becoming good citizens and accomplishing many goals. While Lincoln says that the people should, “care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.” This quote shows that Lincoln is asking the people to be caring, just like Obama does. In addition, both presidents also ask the people to be determined and hardworking towards achieving the nation’s goals. An example of this is when Lincoln says, “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in.” Obama says, “For as much as government can do and must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies.” Both these quotes show that both men are asking the people to be determined and strive to finish their goals. Even though the time difference between Lincoln’s speech and Obama’s are very far apart and they both had to deal with different crisis the addresses were similar in many ways.
In both Lincoln and Obama's inaugural address, they ask of the people a few simple tasks to help rebuild a weakened America. In Lincoln's second inaugural address he asks the people to, with malice towards none, charity for all, and firmness in the right, strive to finish the work they had begun. Lincoln says they must, "Bind the nation's wounds," and, "care for him who shall borne the battle, and for his widow, and for his orphan." This means they must put an end to the arguments and hatred consuming the nation at the time, and focus on caring for all who bear wounds from The Civil War, including soldiers, widows, and orphaned children. Finally, Lincoln states that we must, "Do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations." In Obama's inaugural address he states that, "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of rebuilding America." Among other things, Obama says that to rebuild America we must, "Create new jobs, lay the foundation for growth, build new roads, bridges, electrical grids, and digital lines, restore science to its rightful place, lower the price of healthcare but raise its quality, and most of all harness the wind, sun, and soil to fuel our cars and factories." The power and will of the American people has proven to be an unstoppable force throughout American history.
Each man asked many things of the average american in their speech.First, the both of them ask their citizens to reach out to others and respect and aid even their worst enemy. War came before each of these speeches and Obama and Lincon pleaded that the ruins of the country be picked up by the people and that people who fought were to be taken care of. They also asked that people helped keep the peace. One thing about war is that it is usually followed by more war, and both these men knew this and saw it happening to their country. As patriotic men, they wanted to made sure in their speeches that all americans knew how important this was.As you can see, two of the best (in my opinion) presidents have the same view on creating peace
In their respective inaugural addresses, both Lincoln and Obama ask the average American for something. Both men ask Americans to hope. Lincoln does it when he says, “Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away”. Obama says, “With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come.” Also, both men ask Americans to be optimistic and productive in the time of war. Obama said, “For as much as government can do and must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies.” He also mentioned that, “In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. “ Lincoln said, “fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away.”
Both Lincoln and Obama had similar ideas on what the average American was to do in solving the nation’s problems. Neither specifically asked anything, but they were quoted saying very powerful words and ideas. For example, Lincoln said in his second inaugural speech, “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.” Here, he is asking us to hate no one, to respect everyone, and to do what is right, and that is what will make our nation better. In Obama’s inaugural speech, he said, “It is the kindness to take in a stranger when the levees break, the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours than see a friend lose their job which sees us through our darkest hours.” Here, Obama is asking almost the same thing; he is asking us to help out fellow Americans when needed, and that will see us through tough times. Clearly, Obama and Lincoln had very similar ideas on how to run the country, and both presidents will and have done great things for our country. - Chris Katz
Lincoin and Obama ask the average American to help in solving the nation's problems. They both asked the average american to help heal the nation, and to help make it stronger and better. For example, Obama said, "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America." Lincoln said, "Let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds." Another thing they both asked of us was to help create peace in our nation and peace with other nations. Obama said, "Know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, women, and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and we are ready to lead once more." While Lincoln said, "To are for him you shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations." Both men, born many years apart, have the same dream.
What will you do to help?
Olivia C.
I think that Abraham Lincoln asked the American people to do their best to help end the war and end slavery in his inauguration speech while Barack Obama asked the people to help to boost the economy. In his address, Lincoln said, "Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away." The main cause of the Civil War that was going on at that time had been slavery, so he was also asking the citizens of America to help him abolish slavery. Obama talks about improving our nation in his speech, since we are in a recession. He asks the Americans to help with things like creating new jobs and making healthcare more affordable. Both Lincoln and Obama asked the average American to help solve the nation's problems because they were both elected president in times where our nation had many problems that needed solving.
-Katie Glusac
Lincoln and Obama assk of an average American in solving a nations problems. Sacrafices are to be made. For example, when the Civil War was waging on nobody had predicted that it would last for four years and many people were killed and sacraficed because during this war people were fighting to stop slavery and some wanted slavery, so only some states could have slavery, the Union represented the people who wanted to stop slavery and the Confederates represented the ones for slavery. Obama had also said that men and women have sacraficed and worked until their hands were raw to have a better life-style. Furthermore, each person should help and assist when the nation is in trouble because in the Civil War many people died fighting for the cause the believed in and what they thought was the correct thing to do at the time, Obama had also said that "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist" this is saying that we will help only if you would let us and we should help even if is a small effort, but even though it's a small effort it still counts and later it will help.Many things can be done but it takes patience to actually finish it.
P.S. Forgot that we had to blog this so I blogged it today instead even though i wrote it out.
I think that Lincoln was asking the American people to help heal the wounds from the Civil War, while Obama is asking us to volunteer and get involved. When Lincoln was sworn into office, it was during a time that wounds from the Civil War were still healing, and there still was some fighting, so they needed all the help that they could get. We are in the middle of a recession, where we need to put more people into work, also in the south where we were hit by Katrina we need to volunteer to get them back up on their feet. These two presidents are both asking help of the American citizens, but ask in different ways for different reasons.
Abraham Lincoln asked of the average American to put aside their differences, and abolish slavery. He realized that it would be very difficult and that many sacrifices would need to be made. He hoped that bloodshed wouldn’t be the result of trying to solve the problem, but understood, that it would happen. In the same way Barack Obama is telling the people, that sacrifices have to be made. They both realized that it was not going to be an easy or a fast process of healing. In many ways the problems of the 1860’s world, are the same in 2009. The greed of the plantation owners etc. had the owners using the free labor of the slaves to increase their wealth, and make their life style better. Lincoln asked all the average people in the North, to leave their homes, families and jobs, to free the slaves, and make the country fair to all that live in it. In the 2009 world, the greed of the investors created a false wealth, and now not only are the greedy made to suffer, but the average person, who simply works for a living and has never experienced the wealth, are losing their jobs, their homes, their life savings. They are being asked to make even more sacrifices in order to make our country function again. Obama hasn’t told us all the ways he plans on solving the financial crisis yet, but he has made it clear, that it won’t be fast, and many sacrifices will have to be made. But the country and the world will be better for it. What makes this even more amazing is that 150 years ago, Lincoln, realized that it was unfair to treat the African American people without respect and equality. And now 150 years later, the country has healed to the point, where we are able to elect an African american to the presidency. 150 years ago, they couldn’t own land, and now they can achieve the highest post in the country. What a wonderful transformation of the country! We can only hope that Obama’s plans for the country achieve such a wonderful outcome, and that the sacrifice of all the people is worth it.
Thank you,
Danielle Leibowitz
I think that in Lincoln's inaugural adress, he was aking the people to remember that even though the nation was divided at the time they were all still equals, and they were all Americans. Obama was asking us to have hope, and put our differences aside ao that we can all prosper as a nation. Lincoln said "let us judge not, that we not be judged." He wanted people to stop judging eachother unfairly, in order to end the war that raged within our nation. Obama said "Greatness is never a given, it must be earned," which means that unless we work hard, our country will remain at its current state of disaray. Both presidents had wonderful ideas, and were worth electing once or twice. =]
Both Abraham Lincoln, and Barack Obama have said important things in their Inaugrial Speech addressing what they want us, as citizens, to accomplish. Lincoln states, "let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds." To me what hes trying to say is that we, as a nation should, in the time, should finish what they stated. I think he thougt that now that the Civil War was over, people should continue to progress in treating black's right, and treating them as euals, thus bound the wounds we have opened. Obama stated, "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America." To me this says that, we, as a country have struggled, we have made mistakes, but we have to overcome and remake America. Now that we already accomplished what Lincoln wanted us to accomplish, why can't we do the same for Obama.
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