Today, you are to work on the English Revolution Webquest! Also, this is the last call if you don't have work completed. Be sure to check my Student Drive and ensure that all your work is done!
Mr. Norton's Social Studies Class Blog! Come here for class schedules, homework schedules, and any number of other things that might be of use to you!
Today, you are to work on the English Revolution Webquest! Also, this is the last call if you don't have work completed. Be sure to check my Student Drive and ensure that all your work is done!
In the Jingoistic States of Wenkedom, the issue of compulsive organ doning was addressed. I beleive that we should have compulsive organ doning. Thousands of people die annually due to deficient organs, and they could had been saved if we could had gotten them a replacement organ in time. If we could take the organs of our dead and use them for medical purposes, we could save hundreds of lives. The ancient Egyptians did almost the same thing; they took the organs out of their dead, but then they just put them in canopic jars. If we take this basic concept and use it for medical needs, it can be very beneficial. For those who want to keep their organ. Therefore, I think it is a good decision to have compulsive organ doning after death.
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A well-heeled lobby group is pushing for the elimination of regulations that prevent corporations from donating money to political parties.
"Frankly, I don't see why we need to have elections at all," says your brother, Billy-Bob Utopia, over a late-night malt whiskey. "You always seem to know what's best. Why not scrap the whole political system? It would make things so much simpler."
My issue today on Nation States was whether there should be increased policing or not.
I said there should be and agreed with the statement that said "Yeah, good luck with that," says conservative leader and gun enthusiast Calvin Silk. "Look, we do need more police, that's clear. But that's not enough. We need real punishments: sentences that will act as a genuine deterrent to people considering a life of crime. Like public floggings."
I agree with that because we need a safe nation that can fight against crime. We have to make sure the citizens are safe at all time and try to prevent crime. We also need harsher punsihments to show the muggers and other bad people that we are not afraid to take drastic measures. We will do everything to reduce crime and make the nation safer.
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