
Mr. Norton's Social Studies Class Blog! Come here for class schedules, homework schedules, and any number of other things that might be of use to you!
Many of you wanted the website address for the Perspective art lesson, to help you with your homework, well, here it is:
I am trying something new today. Below you will find a link to an audio review for the test on Friday. If you like it and think it is helpful, post a comment!
As you may have already discovered, I am not yet able to publish my website from the new school. I am working on this and I hope to have it rectified soon, but in the meantime the blog will have to do.
It was brought to my attention today that my webpage has was not updated properly. A number of students came to me today and told me they could not view the webpage from home. Therefore, I think I will update the homework assignment each day here, at least until further notice.
For the next few days we will study the geography of the Renaissance. In preparation for this investigation it is necessary for us to review the five themes of geography as written in 1984 by the Joint Committee on Geographic Education of the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) and the Association of American Geographers (AAG).
We will begin our study of The Renaissance at a very appropriate time! The term "renaissance" comes from the French meaning "rebirth," and that is what we are experiencing here at Amity. Tomorrow morning you will enter the "New Building" for the first time as students; this time it will not be a tour, or simply physical education classes, this time it will be for real. A process that began while you were in 6th grade (and well before that if you consider everything before the actual initial "move" out of the old building) has now been completed, and a new vibrant facility awaits you.