Tonight's Homework
Remember, tonight's homework is question number 2 on the handout having to do with cultures in which stories, legends, and histories are passed orally, and those in which these things are passed via the written word.
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Remember, tonight's homework is question number 2 on the handout having to do with cultures in which stories, legends, and histories are passed orally, and those in which these things are passed via the written word.
Tonight's homework:
Tonight you need to read pages 445-449 and take notes (Text msg yourself) on all of the reading except the section "A Vast and Diverse Continent" on page 446. For that section please use the picture-note technique we discussed in class.
I have vivid memories of Sister Sally Longo talking to my third grade class on the signing of the peace agreement between the United States and North Viet Nam in 1973. It is one of the enduring memories of my youth. I still remember it like it was yesterday. For our students today will likely be such a moment, and I feel privileged to be here to share it with them. In a way, I feel a bit like I imagine Sister Longo must have felt on that day 35 years ago, except that this event is bigger.