Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Road Ahead....

We are nearing the end of our unit of Medieval Life. Now that we have completed the video on the first crusade, we will look at the impact of those crusades on life in Europe as it developed into a region dominated by powerful monarchies.


All classes have a Crusade letter due on Monday.

For COMP and ADVANCED classes:

We will check and review the readings you did last week, up through CH 13 section 4, which you completed last night. Tonight you will have a handout to complete (2 sided) and:

Wednesday: Rough Draft your Coat of Arms.

Thursday-Monday: Crusade letter.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Notes on Feudalism!

Hey folks! Welcome to class.

Lets take some notes:

Click here for a Power Point on Feudalism.

Complete your notes on your own. In 15 minutes we will continue as a large group.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Last Minute Update

There will not be a quiz on Friday. Instead we will review the vocabulary, and discuss the things we noted in our "DURING" column, relative to the video on the Franks. Of course if for any reason we have not finished that then we will do that first. There will be homework over the weekend in addition to the quiz. The homework will be collected and graded out of 25 points.

Be sure to check the blog over the weekend as well!

See you tomorrow

Monday, November 05, 2007

Week of November 5, 2007

This is an interrupted week, but I think we will make it a productive one.

For my periods 1, 2 4 and 5:

We will be studying Medieval life, which is housed in chapter 12 of our textbooks.

Our homework for the week:

Monday: Complete vocabulary on the flip side of Guided Reading 12-1.

Tuesday there is no school!

Wednesday night: Students should prepare for a quick quiz on sections 1 and 2 for Thursday.

Friday: Students will be given a task to invent something that will improve life on the manor!

The Manorial Improvement Invention is always one of my highlights of the entire year. Students come up with some fabulous ideas! Stay tuned!

Period 3:

Monday: read through page 373, and complete questions on page 373.

Tuesday: No school!

Wednesday: Prepare for quiz on Friday, sections 1 and 2.

Thursday Students in period three will be given the Manorial Improvement Invention Task, but the primary objective is to study for the quiz on Friday.

Students in period three will soon be participating in a unique program focusing on the City of Medina in the Middle East. Stay tuned!