Monday, October 29, 2007

Essay Questions for test!

As promised, here are the possible essay questions that will appear on tomorrow's test.

Advanced Classes :( Periods 1 and 5)

1. Provide an overview of the role of women in early Islamic society. How did their position compare to that of the pre-Islamic period?

2. List two fields in which Islamic scholars made great intellectual progress during the Abbasid Empire. Identify achievements in each field.

Comp Classes: (Periods 2 and 4)

1. Describe the importance of Makkah to both the history and practice of the Islamic Faith.

2. To whom does the term Rightly Guided Caliph refer? Explain the significance of these caliphs, identifying at least two by name.

Core: (Period 3)

List three or four ways that the development of Islam was similar to the development of Christianity. What do think are the major differences?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Try the online Test!

You can access an online test on Islam. Upon completion of the test, you should have good idea of what you will need to know.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wednesday's Lesson: The Partisans of Ali

For today's lesson, please click here to listen nto part 1 of the NPR Series, The Partisans of Ali. refer to the printed text you have in front of you as you listen. The text will not match the audio 100% perfectly, so pay attention and follow along. After you have finished you may click here to move to the response portion of the task.

Monday, October 22, 2007

This Week's Rundown!

I have only recieved one response to this weekend's post. Period one is coverered. Period two does not need to be videotaped, but I would like to have each other class recorded.

Remember that I want all Brochures by Wednesday at the end of school!

As for homework for the week:

Periods 1, 2, 4, and 5

Test Friday, Chapter 11.

Monday: Map activity

Tuesday: Vocabulary Handout

Wednesday: Complete Open-Ended Question if not yet completed; Begin Studying- study guide

Thursday-Complete study Guide.

Friday Test

Period 3

Monday: Read pages 342-344 and answer questions.

Tuesday: Brochures due Wednesday! Also, begin working on study guide

Wednesday: Complete Open-Ended Questions if you have not done so. Also continue to work on study guide.

Thursday: Study for Test on Friday!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I will have this written in the room all week, but please, if you could bring a set of headphones to class on Wednesday that would help a lot.

Also, let's see who out there is checking in here...

I would like Wednesday's activity videotaped. I have the camera, and mics that we might use, and the director's eye. What I don't have is a camera person. I need a person to volunteer in each class to videotape the lesson. Reply to this blog if you'd like to do it. First come, first serve! Good luck!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tonight's Homework, Brochures and other musings


Tonight, comp and advanced classes should read section 3 of Chapter 11 and complete the review questions.

Period three should read pages 342-344, and complete the Section 3 Assessment on page 344.

Brochures should be completed and handed in to me no later than Wednesday next, October 24, 2007. This should give us some time to finalize them with the COWS!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Week of October 9, 2007

This is a short week with lots to accomplish. Here is the rundown of homework for the week.

Periods 1, 2, 4 and 5: Read Section 1 of Chapter 11 (Islam) and complete questions 1-5
Period 3: Read pages 330-336 and answer section review questions.

Periods 1, 2, 4 and 5: Read Section 2 of Chapter 11, and complete the questions.
Period 3: Read pages 336-342 and complete the questions on page 342.

On Thursday and Friday all of our classes will be in the computer lab researching countries that are either offical "Islamic" or home to large population of Mulims, and creating travel brochures for those countries.

Thursday's homework will be a handout, for all classes.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

here is a test

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Chapter 10 Notes

Click here to access the notes for Chapter 10.