Monday, November 24, 2008

Tonight's Homework

Remember, tonight's homework is question number 2 on the handout having to do with cultures in which stories, legends, and histories are passed orally, and those in which these things are passed via the written word.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tonight's homework

Tonight's homework:

All students should read the remainder of Chapter 13, section 2 (page 460-467) and complete the handout through "Fill in the blanks."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tonight's Homework, Clarified

Tonight you need to read pages 445-449 and take notes (Text msg yourself) on all of the reading except the section "A Vast and Diverse Continent" on page 446. For that section please use the picture-note technique we discussed in class.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Moment in Our History

I have vivid memories of Sister Sally Longo talking to my third grade class on the signing of the peace agreement between the United States and North Viet Nam in 1973. It is one of the enduring memories of my youth.  I still remember it like it was yesterday.   For our students today will likely be such a moment, and I feel privileged to be here to share it with them.  In a way, I feel a bit like I imagine Sister Longo must have felt on that day 35 years ago, except that this event is bigger.

Despite your political views, it is impossible to deny the historical significance of this election. “This,” as journalist Gene Robinson put it tonight, “is a demarcation, there was a before and there is after.” I sat with my wife and children as the results came in and tried to make comparisons with this event, the election of an African American as President of the United States, with another that might be as noteworthy. I thought of only four; the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Yorktown, Appomattox and perhaps the first moon landing. 

I would like you to comment here, for my students to see. You may, if you’d like, share your thoughts about this event, or if you prefer, a comment about Senator McCain’s gracious remarks, or perhaps you think there is an event I missed. Please spend a few minutes and give my students some insights into your thoughts.  Thank you.